You know, sometimes the lamest thing you can write about on your blog in an attempt to cover up the reason behind it being hardly populated is to moan and whine about how busy your life has been until you haven’t had much time to blog, blah blah blah!
Seriously, like the rest of the other bloggers out there aren’t tied up with their own work? It sometimes makes it look as though they have all the time in the world to blog and you don’t.
Well truth to be told is yes I’ve been busy alright. In fact much more busier over these last few weeks compared to last time, and from the looks of things, it’s gonna get quite hectic for the next month. It is slowly starting to wear on me, the workload I mean. To continously conduct training to different audiences on the same crap for 3 straight weeks, back-to-back is extremely exhaustive if anything else.
As I mentioned earlier on, its gonna be quite a hectic April for me as I’ll need to focus on developing a few more training modules and then conduct the training. My independence day is scheduled for May 1st , but then again, in a project based environment, dates can always be moved…
sigh, just gotta hang in there and stay strong for the moment!