The “No time to blog” myth…


When I decided to return to the blogging scene some months ago, I told myself that I would set aside dedicated time to write down and blog. No particular topic or theme, no frequency of how many entries I would write, I would just blog about whatever that is that i’m thinking and I want to voice out.

Truth is, things have been happening – at work, in my church, with my friends. Things have been happening in and out of the country. And many a times I wish I could just sit down, and write down my thoughts. 

Sometimes it’s just hard, not because I’m lazy or anything, but to just find that time to write down, and I will admit, its not like I’m so busy till I have no time to even string up a bunch of sentences, afterall what’s 30 minutes in 1 day? 

I think my problem here is the fact that when I do think of blogging or writing something, chances are that thought comes when I’m not sitting in front of my laptop. I’m either halfway doing my laundry, or cleaning the bathroom, attending church service or commuting on the train, or the most common one – when I’m just about to fall asleep. And when I do get time to sit in front of the laptop, the urge to blog is hardly on my top 5 mental list.  It’s not to say I’m lazy or uninsipired to write my daily adventures. Most of the time, if there’s something really interesting that I would want to write about, I would make a mental note of it, but when I opened my browser, going to my wordpress dashboard will probably occur 1 every 8 times. Most of my “internet” time is spent either reading the news, learning on my company’s training portal, watching YouTube videos, reading up some obscure but related topic on Wikipedia or chatting with friends. 

It’s funny, because I used to think that the reason I didn’t blog in a periodical and timely fashion was simply due to the fact that I was lazy and undisciplined. While there is some truth to that, I am now realizing that more than often, the reason I don’t blog frequently at times is because I just don’t think of blogging when I’m on the computer! I have tonnes of other things, and not to say those other things are more important than writing on my website, but I guess blogging isn’t the only thing that comes into my mind when I’m on cyberspace. It used to at one point and through the seasons sometimes it is, but not at this point in time.

I’ve also slowed down in following up with what my other blogger friends have scribbled on their poarch.  Most of my bloghopping is done via RSS, that is I use GoogleReader (best RSS reader IMO) to follow on other blogs. Sure saves alot of time, but soemtimes it can be a pain if I want to drop a comment cuz then I’ll have to go the site and drop my 2 cents worth, hence that’s why sometimes I am not able to follow up most of my blogger’s entries with comments.

But having said all that, I must say that life is good. Not spending much time on a blog and a somewhat sparaiodic-entry filled blog can indicate that perhaps there is alot of things going on in the blogger’s REAL world. And I think this holds a significant truth for me. I think one of the amazing things that I’ve enjoyed over the last couple of days is the fact that I’m learning. I actually make 1-2 hours each day to watch a documentary on TV! Figured since I have all the learning channels on my TV subscription, might as well make full use of it, and boy can these shows teach you something and broaden your learning!

Work is carrying on, I’m still yet to be assigned to a project, although I believe that something should materialize by this week, all we’re waiting now is the client’s green light. Boy it sure reminds me of my days at Big Blue; everything is stuck until client gives the green light, and once client gives the light, most of the time, we’ll be pressed to deliver the solution/project ASAP.  Sometimes that aint too bad, but sometimes it could be a real stress-test.

Not too sure if I’ll be blogging much of this week, maybe I will maybe I won’t, time will tell…

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