The day I found out we are expecting


We had a real rough week. The last 2 weeks before the News came was tough on both of us. While I had been somewhat accustomed to the Wifey’s  behaviour and mood swings especially during her menses, this time around it was even too much. One minute she would be happy, the next minute sad, and the next minute she would tell me how much she misses me. Something was definitely amiss here. Then came the major showdown which happened while walking the dog. I just felt I couldn’t understand my wifey anymore – I felt I was doing the best I can, and typically she would understand – but this time she was acting very strange – something was definitely not right. We ended arguing and I found myself walking out for the first time to get some air and clear my head and the best place I could think off was to go for Adoration at the Cathedral of Good Shepherd. Perhaps spending time in front of the lord would help clear my thoughts and bring some senses. Of course I ended up apologising for my behaviour but something was really troubling me – what really was going on with my wife? – I began asking myself that night.

The next day I casually told the wifey the next morning that I suspected she might actually just be pregnant. She too confirmed as all her symptoms were there – mood swings and changes to her body – something was definitely not right and she too new it. I advised her maybe it would be time for her to take a test – The Test to see if we are expecting. She dutifully purchased a pregnancy kit that and the next day, while I was still asleep, on what would be a relaxed and lazy Saturday morning, on  11th February, she crawled up to bed, sobbingly waking me up and immediately I was awake thinking once again I may have screwed up our relationship through something I didn’t even realise. But instead she handed me the test stick and there it was – two vertical lines displayed on the screen indicating that the wifey was indeed pregnant.




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