Still alive


Even though it might be quiet here, rest assure I’m still very much alive and clicking! This whole week has been well… rather tiring as all my week nights have been preoccupied with work! Yes it has been quite a tiring week. I wanted to go out for my night photoshoot but I was just too tired, and I’m cursing this as I write, because this is the first friday in the MANY free fridays that I have had where it is not raining! But the mind is too weak to even conjure the body to go ahead with the plan. And so it’s a beautiful friday night outside and I’m on my bed typing this out.

I know I’m gonna regret this if it rains tomorrow night!

But life is good, hectic as usual, but good nevertheless. I had spent the whole day today at my first Company Consulting conference, which was quite interesting. It was really insightful to hear how my company was coping in difficult times and what is the business outlook for the future.  I’m just glad that the company is not slashing its workforce yet and reducing training budget. It that sense I really am actually begining to love my company. I admire the way it takes its employee training needs seriously and strives to ensure that employees are given the nessecary tools and resources to perform their job… something which was not so emphasized in Big Blue.

I met up with a couple of my old buddies from Big Blue a few days back. As always they were bitching to me about how current management is fucked up and how I screwed them over by just ditching them (sometimes I think they’re just a bunch of whiners!). Funny how I can clearly see how my old workplace was and is so flawed. And like a typical consultant I advised them what needs to be done and as always, it felt on deaf ears, can’t really blame them when we all know that change begans at the top. I was asked by one of them

Do you miss working at Big blue?

In some ways no, in some ways yes I guess. The biggest thing I miss about my old workplace was the proximity; it only used to take me 10-15 minutes to reach work, now I take almost 45 minutes to reach work 🙁

But in the long run, I am glad I made the switch. Although it was painful (I WILL ADMIT!) in the beginning, I am glad that I am slowly adjusting to my new career life. It’s not as comfortable as it once was, but the gains are more in the long run…. anyway that’s what I always tell myself at the end of the day.

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