Blog Day : A look back….


Blog Day 2008

3 years ago, I recommended 5blogs for Blog Day 2005.

3 years later, these 3 bloggers still have a presence on the blogosophere. I thought it would be interesting, instead of recommending 5 new ones again, to kinda go back and take a look at these 5 blog sites and provide a short write up on them 🙂

These were the blogs that were nominated for BlogDay 2005.

1. Laments of the Broken Hearted Silhouette

Kyels, the owner of this blog has been around for quite sometime. I remember the first time reading her stuff, it was mostly based on socia commentary and personal reflections; nevertheless it was really interesting reading her entries, in part I guess it was due to the fact that I was away from home pursuing my varsity education at that time, and she provided sorta of like a small window to what’s going on in my country. It was hard to imagine that she was just barely 19 years old at the time she used to write her stuff 🙂

Today, Kyels still blogs, and she’s ventured into a little bit of blog photography which is something quite admirable, as I’ve always thought of getting my hands into photoblogging, but alas I still don’t really have a proper camera yet! She still jotes down her personal reflections on life, and while I have to admit I haven’t been reading much of her in this span of time, I definitely want to add her to my Google Reader 🙂

2.  Kamigoroshi

I owe it alot to this guy… more than he even knows it! Mid august, 2005 it was Edrei who actually introduced me to to a whole new world of the blogosphere, and of course to WordPress. I remember my early days of Edrei being an avid-wordpress advocate – a good number of his entries were primarily devoted to wordpress,  (of course at that time wordpress was some gaining popularity, but nowhere near where it was now and was still in the works) , promoting plugins and pretty much posting up good blog-related articles from various blog sites, one I particularly remember was from Problogger’s 31 days to a great blog! Of course his blog wouldn’t really be complete without his trademark-well-noted for melancholic posts.

He still is very much active in the blogosphere, and I’m actually happy to know we have bloggers like him around; he still continues advocating for wordpress, though abit lesser than before, and he’s posts these days are well… maybe less melancholic I feel.  I will admit I don’t get some of his entries, maybe because of my pea-sized brain or something, but it still hasn’t stopped me from reading his entries 🙂

3. Cynical-Idealistic Eyes

(now known as Canvassing)

Among all the blogs I recommended for Blog Day 2005, cynical-idealistic is the one that has “changed” the most. Well for starters, she doesn’t blog in that site anymore. She now blogs here. Her blog is now known as Canvassing, I’m guessing the name was insipired by her love for art. Among all the blogs that I have followed over the last 3 years, this one has been the most constant one. I guess it’s because I just love her simplisitic way of writing. It’s not hard to read and know what’s going on with her, it’s not hard to understand the pain she goes through, or the joys that she shares with everyone on her blog. You feel sad when she feels sad, you feel sympathetic when she’s  frustrated, and you feel really happy and she’s all gay.

Her blog entries these days are more raw, more uncut, and uncompromised compared to her Cynical Idealist days. Her older blog was much more tonned down, but I think her new is much more expressive and if you read her long enough, you’re able to put yourself in her sheos, because that’s how she good she writes! Her emotions, thougths and feelings are realistically portrayed!  And oh do I love reading her views on faith, it’s hard finding a good blog which sincerely questions Christianity and faith.  Definitely a blog worth checking out!

4. Sabrina’s Place

(Now known as Pavola Ramblings)

I have another confession to make : I haven’t been following Sabrina for QUITE a long time now. But lets see how much I remember of her back in 2005 :D.  I think if I remember correctly, I got to know her from Kyels! That’s how it all started. (It’s amazing how blogs bring new people of the same minds and thougths together!) Her old blog account is all gone, so it’s kinda hard to actually dig up some old post to help refresh my thougths here on Sabrina. But I remember most of her stuff used to also be on the social and political scenes in Malaysia.  But unlike Kyels, she was based abroad, so her views were sometimes compared and contrasted to that of the country she was (and still is) in.

I can’t write much about her new blog simply because… hehe I got the link a couple of days back and I’ve yet to actually go in and spend some time in her new abode. But from a quick glance… she hasn’t changed much, which is good because I’ve always enjoyed her writing style since those days itself, so if there’s any BLOG day resolution I have for this year’s Blog Day, it would probably include Reading more of Pavola Ramblings!

What’s a Pavola you might ask? I’ll let the author break it down for you 😉

5. Book Of John

I never would have imagined that hardly one year after nominating Celestine for Blog Day 2005, a year later, I would “accidentally” find him playing an active role in my church! You could imagine the surprise on my face when I first heard his name being called in Church

Holy crap! This is Celestine of BookOfJohn!

So yeah, we didn’t meet up in one of those typical blog gatherings.  Well I have a… isit 4th or 5th confession to make now – Since I met this guy in person, I’ve stopped reading him as well. While he’s entries used to be more consistent back in the day, these days, I find BookofJohn rather…well quiet! (Hint Celestine do something about it :P).

I guess there’s really nothing much to write about BookofJohn. If there’s anything new, well his URL is now, which makes it easier now for people to remember, but dude, seriously man if you’re reading this, WRITE MORE stuff my friend 🙂


Well there ya have it, the 5 Blogs I recommended for Blog Day 2005, and 3 years later…these same 5 blogs have been reviewed again 🙂

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