A Scare to Remember


It was a typical Tuesday morning. I was working from home today as I had planned to do so for the next couple of days given there was a positive COVID Case at work. Wifey started her usual day except that over the last few days things were not very usual – wifey had the dreaded and fearful brown discharges occurring every now and then.

Today, once again those dreaded discharges resurfaced again and for a moment we got scared. Was this gonna be it? Are we once again going to go through that misery lane of having the big M all over again? My heart was racing. I had work to finish and because I was working from home, I was eager to ensure my team at work would duly complete their work and I could catch up on their progress (we were already behind and I was anxious to see how we were doing)

But that would all have to wait. Work would have to be paused as I deliberated with the wifey on the next move. We decided we would call her Gynae (a really wonderful Doctor I must say) and make an appointment for a scan.

We managed to get the appointment that morning itself and we took the little one with us to the specialist Center at Mount E. Throughout the drive, my heart was racing; while I wanted to comfort wifey, I decided not to make things worse by speculating or offering “false hope”. I decided to just quietly pray in the car and just focus on my driving.

It was probably one of the longest and most anxious drives I had – in between praying, I was replaying back all the things I had learned about wifey’s pregnancy – recounting how just a few days back we were at the doctor’s office and we first heard Pecan’s heartbeat racing – I recalled reading articles that stated a 78% chance of a successful pregnancy if there’s a heartbeat at 6 weeks; basically, I was just filling my mind with “factual does of hope” and I was thinking in my heart “God surely won’t do this…will he?”

In any case, we reached the hospital and I dropped Wifey off at the drop-off before heading over to Paragon Mall to park the car. Cashew was with me and so we both went to find his Mummy as fast as we could.

The wait in the gynae’s office was also long, but there was a strange sense of peace within me; not that I was in any zen mode, but I was just preparing myself for the worst while still hoping everything would work out.

Eventually, our turn came in and we saw the doc. I have to say it was a relief to see the doc! A wave of relief just came upon me as I sat in his office and was actually more amused that he was amused with Cashew. I felt at ease.

After wifey narrated her story which what had been going on between the last visits and today, she was swiftly motioned to prep for the scan. The gynae did his usual routine and while I couldn’t join them as I had to mind Cashew (and also I wasn’t called to go past the curtains and observed) I had to settle just listening to their conversations. But I will never forget hearing the baby’s heartbeat from the curtain and that gave me some hope – the baby is alive! And soon after that, the Doc confirmed that the baby’s measurement is good and is growing normally. He did observe there was some bleeding but it was likely due to the placenta being at a lower position and wifey also had some potential bacterial infection inhibiting.

I can’t tell you the relief we both had coming out of Dr’s clinic soon after the scan was done. I was thankful that baby was still ok and I was thankful we managed to endure this ordeal and came out still ok. Wifey was given bed rest and I decided to take Emergency Leave that Tuesday so that I could take care of Cashew (that too wasn’t easy and would warrant its own separate story!) but for now, I was just thankful our baby was safe.

It’s still early days but I must say this pregnancy has kept us at our toes.

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By Martin


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