9th May 2018. I never thought this day would come. Not that I didn’t think Malaysia will undergo its 14th General elections and its people would have an opportunity to exercise their rights as citizens of the country. Rather, it was the outcome of it.
The outcome which shook the nation’s arrogant and brash leaders who have brought the country to the drains and emptied its wealth at the expense of its citizens. An outcome which affirmed and instilled hope in its people that yes, its people did indeed have the power to change and make a difference to their country and not just leave matters in the hands of their elected representatives. An outcome in which it would restore the nation’s wealth, pride and sovereignty after nearly decades of malaise and decadence that had ruined the country, derailing it from its goals and Long-lost ambitions.
On the 10th of May, all Malaysians, across the world, including me woke up to a brand new Malaysia. For once, there is a renewed hope towards a better future for the country. For once, we will be able to be proud once again to call ourselves Malaysians, and for once, we can see what Malaysia is truly capable of becoming.
I only wish I was there to witness all of this, the rebirth of my beloved country. But across the causeway, I can sense the tremors of revolution, movements that should have taken place years back now finally setting into motion to move towards cleaning up and unclogging the mess that has plagued our institutional systems into a derelict situation. And yes, I am counting on that one man to do it because if its anybody in our country who can do it, it’s him. Without glorifying him too much as he was also the antecedent to all this mess to begin with, he will nevertheless go down as being a saviour, and right now, whether that title is justified and fitting for him is irrelevant, what is needed now is to get our house in order. And the man has already gotten the ball rolling in just 3 days. That’s already such a refreshing tone to its people. It has certainly inspired me