Rekindling a long lost love


“You can’t park here darling” the wifey quipped, dutifully reminding me that I had tried to park our rented Hyundai at a faculty zone.  I continued circling around the University of Western Australia (UWA)’s business school carpark and found a student parking lot eventually. Giddily I parked and we both made our way to the business school reception area.

About a week before that, I had made enquiries to see whether it would be feasible to pursue my postgraduate studies at UWA. The whole idea sprang about in early May over an evening walk when the wifey was excitingly talking about our upcoming trip to Perth. She started to wonder aloud what it would be like if we could stay off, raise our family in the quiet suburban Perthian neighbourhood. I listened thoughtfully and I began to wonder whether that dream would be possible by virtue of me pursuing my graduate studies. After all, I have long wanted to return back to Academia but never really made any bold move to do so. This would be a good chance for me to do so, given the blessings and encouraging support that the wife was giving me and backing me on this potential pursuit.

So off I went making enquiries directly to the Graduate Admissions team and soon enough I found myself corresponding with one of the university’s representative and I managed to secure an appointment with him on a Friday morning, May 12th.

Upon making my way to the reception I mentioned to the receptionist that I was here to see the graduate admissions officer. Upon waiting for a few minutes, the graduate admissions officer, a rather pleasant australian chap greeted us with a beaming smile and soon we made our way up to one of the rooms to discuss further. Our conversation was pleasant as he was sharing with me about what the program was all about and I shared with him my transcripts and some information on my background. He was impressed that I came prepared and he suggested that since I had my transcripts, he would like to make some copies of them and even proposed i fill up the application form! Like an eager prospective student, I completed the entire form and even put in one of my professors as my academic referee.

It was an exhilarating experience to say the least – this is as far as I had ever come in pursuing my postgraduate (PhD) education and here I was happily filling up my application form. We spoke for a bit longer on when I could potentially start and after about 2 hours of conversation, I had lunch with the wifey, excitingly telling her about the conversation I had and potential plans we need to start making.

It feels utterly surreal that I know have the opportunity to finally pursue my dream – a dream which started back in November 2005 just as I was almost done with my undergraduate studies. I would have never thought I would consider pursuing my academic dream after so long. Yes at times it is scary, at times I do wonder whether I am making the right move, but when I really look into my heart and examine myself, I do feel myself wanting and yearning to pursue this ambition – yes it may not pay as much as what I am getting here and currently living, but there’s just something about this dream. Something noble, something deeply satisfying.

I used to always pacify myself back 2008, when I switched jobs from Big blue to the Consulting company that joining the firm would be a good preparation for me to return to academia as I would have relevant corporate and practical experience to pursue my postgraduate research. But somehow, along the way that dream was never materialised fully. I was getting promoted at work and doing reasonably well and the whole academic scene was fading into a wishful memory I once had. Until now.

There is much to be excited about, but so much more to do. Returning back to academia will be no easy feat I would reckon and I am already preparing myself for it. But i feel confident that I should be able to do it – the program I am attending is a preliminary foundation program in which I will be expected to produce a 10,000 word thesis. I have already selected my topic which is to research on organisation change and this is really going to be an exciting journey for me as I have a wealth or experience to depend and back on.

Truly exciting times ahead as I make my way back to Academia after a near 13 year exodus.


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