Nothing much to update or write about except that this week is holy week. Usually every year during holy week I would often take leave on Thursday and Friday to attend my Opus Dei retreat but this time around I am giving it a miss – Not sure if this is gonna be a good thing to be honest as I know these retreats which I have attended back-2-back in the last 2 years have often done me good in the sense I always feel recharged and renewed coming out of them. Instead I will be “celebrating” holy week right here “locally” which I suppose isn’t all that bad so to speak.
On other matters, yes another week beckons ahead, where I will be entering a crucial week in terms of my work – I have to facilitate and manage 3 business engagement sessions. These are quite critical sessions as this is the first time we will be engaging with the operations so I am hoping and praying all goes well. The visibility on these sessions are quite high and the expectations for me to deliver the change solutions are also high and it does to some degree hinge on the outcome of these sessions. So I am really hoping for a good start in this project and that means a good outcome from these 3 engagement sessions. Also I will be hopefully getting a new resource to help out with one of my projects this week. Again, hoping all goes smoothly without much hiccup.
I will most probably be taking thursday and Friday off as I need to also follow up with my doctor on my sinusitis. It’s become worse despite the meds and all and I am just hoping things don’t become worse as it progresses. Hence the follow up meeting on thursday is critical. And taking the day off on Friday will also help me at least try to be in a more prayerful and reflective mood as I prepare myself for Good friday.
Indeed come to think of it a lot of things are happening this week. A lot of hopeful thoughts to accompany the activities as highlighted above. Yes…another week beckons ahead
p/s – I just realised I have never written stuff like what I wrote above – i.e – more about ME and what’s going on with my life rather than reflecting on a particular theme or topic. I guess once in a while it doesn’t hurt to write stuff like this