Once again… I’m off for the weekend. This time around, it isn’t a company trip or anything like that. My church is organizing a weekend conference. It’s actually a conference for young adults, so thought it would be nice to spend the weekend getting in tune back with God ๐
Besides, it’s been a long long time since I’ve gotten myself involved with any church activities. I think ever since Mum’s operation in March, I’ve not really participated in any church-related activities. Usually, if you know me personally because I’m one of those guys who really can’t sit still, I tend to get myself involved in many activities. Sometimes I myself don’t know why I sign up for soo many things, and knowing how church-culture is, if you’re a capable and willing individual, they’ll just start roping you in for an array of things.ย But I enjoy it to some degree. Sure I may complain about the Youth group being too activity-intensive, but I like getting involved and working with people. I feel there’s always something new to learn, whether it’s implicit or explicit learning.ย And plus, it doesn’t hurt to be good pals with some of the people from church, letting good influence rub on you is one of the many good ways to lead a proper Christian life I find. (Won’t dive much into this as it can get long enough for an entire entry!)
Anyway the conference is for 3 days but I doubt I’ll stay throughout the 3 days. Yeah it goes right up till monday but Monday is a National holiday here! (The country is having her birthday party on Sunday).ย So despite the Monday holiday, I’ll probably be coming back on sunday evening or so, just to give myself a good 1 day rest before the week starts again next week.
Well that’s all for now, till my next entry here’s to a good weekend ahead ๐