What do you get someone who has everything?


A few weeks back my brother gave me a birthday card and in it he wrote – “what do you get someone who has everything in life?” – he was alluding to the fact that it was hard for him to get me a birthday gift. I chuckled when I saw the card the next morning and on the way to work that day, it left me pondering. Ironically it would also be the exact same day that I would receive the news that I got promoted to Manager in my firm – a big step in the career path in my firm. As I look back in my own life these days, I coming to terms with this reality – the reality that I do have everything in life to live life comfortably.

I got a nice roof over my head, a nice car, a good and awesome dog, wonderful siblings, a father who is now realizing the meaning and importance of relationships. I have a nice comfortable house – I have got everything that I have ever wanted to purchase. Sure I may not have the latest iPhone or the 60 inch flat-screen 3D tv, but its alright. Goods and items will never satisfy anyway despite what the world says.

Perhaps I need to dig deeper – perhaps this is God’s way of showing me to go deeper – an invitation to another realm. The realm beyond these earthly tangible stuff. Perhaps I am growing up now and this is part of me realizing and slowly comprehending the accidence of life?

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