I am life’s shock absorbers


I am life’s shock absorber. I am a toxic handler. I am whatever you call it that helps you get by an unpleasant situation. I listen to people who tell me their problems. I provide advise and counsel if possible. Like how shock absorbers cushion the unpleasantness when you pass through a bump or a pothole, I am that shock absorber that helps make that pothole experience bearable. I try to help people feel better and sometimes they do instantly, sometimes it takes time. But whatever it is, they get better and I am happy for them.

And then of course they move on in life. These people are now cruising through life.Suddenly the shock absorbers are forgotten. Why? Cuz there are no more speed bumps or potholes. And yet, the shock absorbers are there, silently doing its part, sometimes its recognised, sometimes its ignored.

Like shock abosrbers, we too get worn out over time. I sometimes wonder if people realize that. Just today I thought about this – about the other shock absorbers in my life and I called up one of them and asked the individual – “do you not get tired and worn out being a toxic handler and shock absorber for others?” – His response was rather uninsightful – “when I do things for others,  I often forget about myself” . Sure sounds very jesusish and all, but come on – at the end of the day, shock absorbers need maintenance, and so do we.

I guess one of my ways of oiling and maintaining my shock absorbers is through prayer. Giving my faulty and crappy shock absorber to the divine mechanic allows him to fix and “make things anew”.  I often prescribe this method to those around me – that God is the true healer and is the ULTIMATE shock absober – the father of all shock absorbers if you may – and its only through him we restore our shock absorbers to handle life’s potholes and bumps.


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