Time For God


Some time back, when I was journeying with a bunch of brothers who were walking the faith, we were all given a task to choose and review a book and share it with our fellow brothers, as part of some spiritual input activity. I recall choosing a book called Time for God. The book was written by renowned spiritual author Jacque Phillippe, a monk based in France.

I am not here to talk about the book. I am just here to remind myself that I need to make that Time for God. A few days back, I was reflecting on the 17th Sunday Gospel Reading (Year B) and the Gospel was on the multiplication of the 5 loaves and two fishes. It caught my attention because I have recounted this reading multiple times, yet upon reflecting Peter Kreeft’s reflection on this gospel (in his book Food for the Soul Cycle B) where he specifically mentioned about something I totally struggle with – Time.

Kreeft, in his uncanny genius, eloquently puts that God can multiply things that are of spiritual in nature- which we all know (but often forget). He calls out the example of how love, joy and other fruits of the spirit, when shared, does not diminish the soul, but rather it multiplies. Love, when shared, is often multiplied.

But he offers another very very insightful point when he juxtaposes that while spiritual goods can be multiplied compared to material goods, he offers one material (earthly bound) good that we all have (and sometimes we forget about it) – time. He goes on to share about how we can offer our time with God, and when we do, God multipies it – not in the physical (mind mending black hole time dilation concept) sense of that, but in a supernatural sense. I shall not say anymore but shall quote based on what he says about this (I am sure Dr Kreeft won’t mind this feeble mind trying to quote and stand on his “giant” shoulder for this) :

I need more kairos time with my Father. A spiritual Gameplan (reboot) is in order. I have to start putting him first…again.

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By Martin


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