The Day COVID Hit Home


They say, with the new omricon virus strain, which is highly contagious but not so lethal, that eventually you will be bound to catch it. Its not a matter of if, but just a matter of when. And true enough this week, the wifey got hit with the virus which really left us in a scramble to plan on what to do next.

I didn’t expect wifey would get it, although part of me was also thinking given the amount of exposure she has as she runs the daily errands, whether she would eventually contract it. And true enough, she did and it was a gradual progression. Last week she commented how tired and sick she was feeling with the often-repeated phrase “I think I am coming down with something”. While we were afraid it would be COVID wifey didnt think she would get it either. Eventually, on a Saturday morning, she tested via the ART KIT, and lo and behold, the dreaded 2 lines appeared on the kit and we made immediate plans to isolate her in the master bedroom while the bub and I would occupy the guest room for the next 5-6 days, depending on how long the infection would last.

I gotta admit, I was a bit scared for wifey. There were a few factors racing through our minds – 1) will the baby be ok? Wifey was supposed to take her booster but with the news of the pregnancy early last month and per the gynae’s advice, we held it off for a bit until she would clear the 1st trimester. I was worried that COVID would affect the baby!

Then of course it would be me taking up mommy duties with the bub which was also quite a new experience for me. I had no choice but to inform my work that I would take a couple of days off to settle my home affairs so I could tend to the little one and keep the house in order. It also didn’t help that wifey’s mother was not around during this period to provide some support (like how we would take half-day turns to take care of the little one in the past when the wifey was not around).

In any case, we managed to go through that “covid week” while keeping everything in check. It wasn’t as draining as I thought it would be, perhaps in part thanks to the fact I didn’t have to worry about work matters this week and I could focus on the home and the family more attentively. Hence that’s also why there has been no update in the last week or so on my blog – just been to darn busy warding stuff after stuff that has been coming my way.

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By Martin


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