The Best of UncannyPhilosophy


To commemorate the 5th anniversary of Uncanny Philosophy, I decided to put up 30 of my best posts (in my opinion) into this Hall of Fame Page. These posts were selected based on their content and impactful meaning to me personally rather than the number of comments it generated (my blog is anyway too quiet to begin with!)

I also posted an “interview” on my reflections on UncannyPhilosophy over the last five years to celebrate this event!


So without further ado, here’s Uncanny Philsophy’s greatest hits | 2008 – 2013

1.  Werk Werk Werk | October 2007 – I wrote this at a time when I was completing my first major project for Big Blue and I reflected on the whole idea of requesting for external help and being self-reliant

2. A few Questions….and some answers | October 2007 – I wrote this 2-piece article on my reflections pertaining to the working life, specifically on the issue of how much money to make and finding meaning in a career

3. You’re so Gonna Love This | October 2007 – My first reflection on why God created woman…based on a quote from a book I read

4. I have finally decided… | January 2008 – I write about my decision to join academia…which never did materalize…at least not yet for now.

5. Recap : December 2007 | January 2008 – I write about how the month of December 2007 went – ironically this month means alot to me because it would be the last time we would celebrate christmas as a family

6. The GMAT sucks…and I can’t do anything about it | February 2008 – I rant on about the painful GMAT experience

7.  The Mother I Knew | August 2008 – I reflect upon my mother who passed away in July

8. The towers…and the new leaf | August 2008 – I reflect upon entering my new career in the consulting company

9. I have returned home | August 2008 – I reflect upon returning back to God…you’ll see why

10. What can you bring to the table? | August 2008 – A work piece reflection on my career switch

11. Where’s my mojo? | August 2008 – I reflect on my struggles trying to fit into my new job and I struggle with the question why on earth am I even struggling in this new job

12. My 2nd Conversion Story | September 2008 – A 3 part story reflecting on how attending a conference changed the way I look at things

13. No Question is stupid | September 2008 –  I reflect on our culture of people not asking questions

14.  A history of my experiences with blogs | September 2008 – I reflect on my own experiences with the blogsophere

15. When we’re called to change for others | October 2008 – An entry I wrote pertaining to how we are often called to change for others to accommodate to them

16. The end of innocence | November 2008 – Another one of my “growing up” entries which made me think about life in general

17. Can a catholic support him? | November 2008 – At the height of Obama’s election in 2008, I reflect on whether a catholic can support a pro-choice candidate based from a book I bought

18. one Giant Leap | December 2008 – I reflect on the closing of the year

19. Looking Behind Moving Forward | Jan 2009 – A 2 part reflection on the year that transpired and my plans to move forward

20.  My Panacea for living | February 2009 – A simple reflection on how I tried to manage things back then

21. That Nostalgic Feel | March 2009 – I reflect upon returning back to a library and how that brought me back memories

22. Attitudes and people | May 2009 – I reflect upon attitudes of superiors based on a mamak session I hade with my ex-colleagues

23. A confession to remember | June 2010 – I reflect upon a confession I made which made a huge impact in my spiritual growth

24. Natural born leaders | June 2010 – I reflect on Jack Shepherd’s leadership in Lost

25. Using Politics to Influence for the better | September 2010 – I reflect on how we can use politics to make a better society

26. Some thoughts on faith | November 2010 – I reflect on the meaning of faith an it’s implication in my life based on an article I read

27. Revisiting Discernment | December 2010 – I reflect on the topic of discerning God’s will

28. What is Love | February 2011 – As a Valentine’s Day post, I decided to reflect upon love, based on the text of 1 Cor 13

29. What is your constant | March 2011 – Using the totem analogy from the movie Inception, I write about the importance of finding a constant in our own lives

30.  Why do men cheat | June 2011 – I reflect on the adage of why men are prone to cheating their spouses

31. Dear Mum | July 2011 – A piece I wrote to commemorate mum’s 3rd death anniversary




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