Blogging Resumed (Hooray!)


Finally, after so being so detached from my blog thanks to the stupid internet connection which was awwfully slow towards the end month of December and early January , I’m able to once again let my words come to life! But being detached from blog certainly did not warrant me from taking a mental break! I did get some time between my hectic december schedule (non work related) to write down a couple of articles ‘offline’.  I got a strong feeling that I’m probably one of those few bloggers who didn’t actually post his/her new year’s resolution for the world to look at.

Well I’m just glad for now, my internet connection is back to normal and there are no more ‘lagging’ issues with accessing my blog. Heh, sometimes, you just gotta be thankful for the simple things in life (such as accessing your blog and publishing away!) and not ask too much 😛

Oh yeah, I’m going to upgrade my blog over the weekend to WP2.7. Sigh, might as well do it while the connection is still good. Need to read up on how to go about doing it!

note : this is a back-logged post

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