Seeing the bigger picture

Imagine if all you could see was a blotch of point. A spot or a splat. No shape or form to tell you what you are truly seeing. Just some random fudgy patch of colour. Does it make sense to you? Probably not. Sometimes that’s how life is. We see in blotches, spots, splats. Sometimes we see more than just that – we see a theme, a pattern. Sometimes we do see patterns but we don’t understand what the pattern is all about – where it leads, where it came from. Sometimes these patterns “just appear” without any beginning or end.

Life is sometimes really like that. We don’t understand what’s happening. Reflecting upon my last 6-7 months and now as I approach my confirmation period in the bank, I realized life for me has been like that. I had no clue, no idea what was happening although on the surface I knew what was going on, but in the greater scheme of things I couldn’t tell. And it wasn’t just to do with work. Even with my own personal life especially in my relationships, going through the ups and downs can be like a real roller coaster ride. But ultimately it leads to something. Something which you can’t tell as of yet.  And the crappy thing is that sometimes, you just don’t know. Unlike a roller coaster ride you do when the ride will stop. Eventually it MUST come to an end. But sometimes that’s really not the case with life’s roller coaster.

The Divine Operator
There is a divine operator that operates this roller coaster. For those of us who do believe in God, this makes sense. And it doesn’t mean we don’t have our free will. You see, the divine operator does give you the option to go in the ride. If you choose not to, he won’t force you. You can opt to ride another roller coaster or maybe go and buy cotton candy and just sit in the park. The choice is yours.

But if you do decide to ride, the Divine Operator has just one requirement – that you trust Him and that He will see you through the ride even though you may not know when it will end. You will throw up the entire journey, that’s possible – but the ONLY assurance you have is that He will see you through. Do you do dare ride on the divine roller coaster?

Coming back to the bigger picture
Our Divine Operator is also a master painter. He’s an artist whose artistic skills confound even the most knowledgeable world-class art connoisseur. Just when you think you got it, you don’t. And yet we feeble human beings try to decipher from the blotches what the greater picture may seem. And I believe God intends us to do so. He gives us blotches and patches to not validate our immeasurable brilliance, but rather an invitation partake in His divine providence and awesomeness through our observation and labour.  Consider how we study astronomy. It was by studying those faint botches in the sky (called galaxies) humanity came to understand the Milky Way. Those smudges in the sky, some called nebulae have reveled stellar nurseries and how our stars, and ultimately our sun are made. Those same fuzzy smudges tell us how infinitely big the universe is by virtue of how galaxies are now moving away from each other. And yet, despite our observation of these blotches, we only know about 2-3% of the mysteries and wanders of the universe. And that itself is enough to blow our minds.
Yes, its through these smudges in the sky we understand so much and that brings us alot of joy. To not only understand the smudges in the sky, but also to know there is a Divine Architect, who is not only painting the heavenly celestial bodies but also using that same divine paintbrush to paint our lives through the ordinary and mundane to bring about a beautiful tapestry.  Consider how a simple atom, hydrogen – colourless, ordorless and almost insignificant, but when fused is able to form helium and through stellar nucleosynthesis is able to form the heavier and more potent elements we find today in our every day lives. Imagine that hydrogen atom being the mundane boring and perhaps even difficult stuff in our lives. When fused with other moments in our lives, it brings about a change, a change that brings about new experiences, new discoveries and new life ultimately.

We can’t experience all this if we don’t have the instruments to see the big picture. One of these instruments is called patience – if we are not patient and willing to see it through we won’t see much. The other instrument is trust –  Trust and patience go hand in hand to see the bigger picture. It’s like your binoculars. You need them both to see the bigger picture. And seeing the big picture is God’s divine gift to all of us. But it does require us that we take the time to see it through through God’s divine grace and plan. At the end of the day, it will lead to a beautiful canvas. That I can promise you.

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