Note : This is one of those entries where I did write about it but for some reason never got it published. It went missing for sometime but one fine day, I found this in my Day One Journal. This definitely is one of my favourite posts. It takes place just a little over a month after my US trip when I meet Polly for the first time.
Glad to have captured it for memories and safekeeping – the author @ 25th January 2016
Much has happened in the last couple of weeks. Upon returning from my trip in the US, just hardly a week later I got the news that I finally made Manager in my company. It was a long time coming feeling for me I am glad to have finally accomplished it – never mind the fact that all the names that were put up for promotion had all gotten it. Though I felt slighted by that I continued to thank God for this promotion.
This was then followed up by another unexpected event. While I was in Canada I had signed up with at the urging and ecouragement of my uncle and within 2 weeks after my promotion news I met this girl who happened to be in all places…singapore! Yes the dreaded singapore! She just started out by checking my profile but didn’t drop any messages or emotigram or anything like that. Just viewed and that was it. I saw that she had viewed me and decided to just send her a smilie – worse comes to worse she just won’t respond I thought to myself.
She responded with a smilie back! Okay, so I decided to take advantage of the free trial that CM was offering that particular weekend and I started to message her. And she replied! We mainly spoke about books and stuff that she had listed down as her favourite authors.
By that night itself we had exchanged numbers ~ more like she gave me hers at my request and from then on we started keeping in touch in whatsapp. I still remember that weekend she asked me whether I had any prayer intentions for her as she was making a trip up to malacca for a pilgrimmage to Santa Cruz chapel. I told her “lets pray for our friendship 🙂 “ yes I included the smilie face!
That was a month ago and a week after that encounter, I went down to see her in person and spend the day with her. I don’t know what made me do it (as I seldom do such things) but the moment I saw her I just gave her a side quick hug. I had never done this before with any gal let alone a girl I am meeting for the first time! She was truly touched by my actions and because her birthday was coming up I got her a card and a small gift. I was surprised to see she also gave me a book as a gift! Most girls I know wouldn’t do anything like this – at least not the ones I have dated before. There was just something with this gal I thought to myself. Before I left for the 7.30 pm bus back to KL, we went for mass together that evening and it was probably one of my most favourite moment together. By then I was really excited about this gal. I mean she spoke good english, presented herself well, was extremely gentle and courteous (I loved how she fussed around to make sure I felt comfortable). We sat down to share our faith journey before mass and for some reason I truly felt there was a click.
And the fact when she prayed for mum during mum’s birthday during that week and got a vision of a woman staring intently with love at her looking serenely also added to my joy (although she wasn’t sure how I would take it). It felt as though mum has also seen her and approved of this lovely person in my life.
So why do I like this girl so much? Well for the first time, if we do get together, she would be my first catholic girlfriend but that’ not all. I love the fact she has this real relationship with God. She shared with me how Psalm 139 is her favourite psalm and Jeremiah 17. I marvelled as she shared all this with me – cuz in my entire life of serving in ministry, I had never been able to have this kinda conversation with any girl that I had fancied. Her relationship with God inspires me and moves me – I can also feel it in my own life – there’s this peace and joy – I am giving in less to my temptations and I think its all through her prayers and the grace. I love the fact that she’s praying for me daily for my work and vice versa I am praying for her and her family.
And having her in my life just makes me happy in general despite the fact she gave up her corporate life to pursue her dreams. That inspires me even though I may never get to pursue mine but somehow I feel happy for her – I feel connected to her happiness. I have never felt this way with other girls before. But with her, she makes me feel like I am part of her wild life through the pictures that she shares with me or the stories that we share at night everyday or the little messages that we send to each other in between during the day. She is simply remarkable.
And I love the fact that she makes the effort to keep the friendship growing. Paul advised me a few weeks back that I need to be a life-giver, and not expect her to text me first and get mad if she doesn’t. That changed my perception a lot because in the past I would be overtly possessive with K. I would check my messages, and would get annoyed if she didn’t reply or replied late. But now with P. Somehow I think I have perhaps grown from my last relationship.
She’s coming down this weekend and she’s really excited to see me. Can you imagine that? A girl – excited to see me? Since when did my luck suddenly turn? But I really thank God for her. I love the fact I can just be myself with her and share with her my thoughts and vice versa. Maybe this might just be the one that gets me to heaven 🙂