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The Day I found out…again


It was a busy Friday for me. I hate being busy on a Friday, but it was a busy day anyway. From calls and teams to take and manage, to worrying about the status at work, I was swamped with anxieties. It was day 16 of wifey’s post ovulation phase. We usually get nervous and jumpy around this period because we know its “Results” day. Did wifey get her BFP. And in all preceding months, we were often...

Goodbye 2021


Twenty twenty-one will soon be ending in less than an hour. I realized I didn’t get to blog much in 2021 – or rather as much as I would have liked. When I looked back at 2021, I look back with mixed feelings – 2021 was a very mixed feeling year for me if I could some it up. To say things were bad would not be correct because when things were bad in 2021, they did take a turn for...

Waiting on the Lord – Moving to the Red Dot


This continues on with the ongoing series which I started last month. July 2015 would be an interesting month in my life. I wrote extensively about how I was leaving the consulting world and would be taking up a “dream role” in a prominent bank as Head of Org Design – even just thinking about it now, 6 years later gives me a shiver in a spine – not in a bad sense, but in the sense...

This Is the Way – PART i


One of the biggest dreams I had as a married man was that my spouse and I could serve in a ministry together. Didn’t really matter what the ministry was, so long as we could do it together. Of course we all know the story that soon after marriage, the wifey had already conceived within 3 months and 9 months later, less than a year into our marriage (short of 25 days to be precise) we were...

This is the night


Note: I haven’t abandoned the series of essays (on waiting on the Lord) which I intended to write from the previous post. In fact, I am already halfway through one of the posts and it should be coming out soon. I Will work on them in the coming weeks and get them published (back-dated as usual) This is the night, where 13 months of hard work comes to a conclusion. This is the night, where...


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