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The Weekly Tweets Digest for 2009-02-28


Blogging on my side has reduced dramatically until mid march. #
It’s been such a long time since i last twitted away šŸ™ #
Heh, given my lack of entries lately, guess I’ll have to kiss my chances of submitting my blog into 9 rules again ; sigh! #

My Panacea for living


April is just around the corner, and by the time we reach April 2009,Ā  it would mark my 3rd anniversary of being in the workforce. Seriously, it’s nothing to shout about or even to mention about it, when it’s juxtaposed with employees who have been with the company for over 2 decades or so. Granted my work experience is limited, in some ways, actually in many ways I feel truly blessed...

You know time is really scarce…


When you wake up one day and try to recall where did all the time you had go?Ā 
And then you realize…you can’t have it back anymore…and you reluctantly have to move forward…
That’s when you know time is really scarce…

My off-and-on disappearance


If you’re reading this and if you’ve been reading me over some period a time, I owe you an apology. As you might have guessed, I have a problem with consistency. It’s hard for me to keep producing a s teady stream of articles over a a period of time. Well I can’t say much except that’s how my life sometimes is. There are days where my life in the real world is really...

Of Patience, Passions and the Pursuit of the ā€˜Dreamā€™ Part III


But being a TA solely didnā€™t quite justify the whole reason for me to give some serious thought into academia. When I reflect back, I feel thereā€™s another part of my university career which until recently I have not thought much of: My interaction with my peers. Toward the end of my schooling career, I was told by my junior peers that they regarded me as an intelligent and hardworking guy. I...


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