They say, with the new omricon virus strain, which is highly contagious but not so lethal, that eventually you will be bound to catch it. Its not a matter of if, but just a matter of when. And true enough this week, the wifey got hit with the virus which really left us in a scramble to plan on what to do next. I didn’t expect wifey would get it, although part of me was also thinking given...
The Day COVID Hit Home
A Scare to Remember
It was a typical Tuesday morning. I was working from home today as I had planned to do so for the next couple of days given there was a positive COVID Case at work. Wifey started her usual day except that over the last few days things were not very usual – wifey had the dreaded and fearful brown discharges occurring every now and then. Today, once again those dreaded discharges resurfaced...
The Peace that is beyond this world
My heart has been pounding alot more than it should be these last few weeks. I have been struggling to fall asleep more easily these past few weeks. My mind races as I scan through the texts of chats or emails. In short, I have not had peace of mind for the last couple of weeks. Work worries, investment worries, fianancial worries have all plagued my mind in recent times. As I admitted to wifey...
Pregnancy Daze
“This pregnancy is definitely going harder than before man” wifey lamented to me as we were walking to buy lunch. I nodded, agreeing with her that indeed this time around, it was indeed harder on her. In fact I have been hearing this for the last week or so – the nausea, the fatigue, the avoidance of certain kind of smells, the cravings for zhi-char type of food, all bundled up...
The Day He got Smacked
He was getting out of control. The last few weeks, he was getting out of hand. The constant winnings, the incessant buggings, the cheeky defiance was slowly taking a toll on his parents. We knew he was just being difficult for the sake of doing so. Having already shouted at him once in the car over the weekend as he kept bugging his mother about frivolous matters and just basically being a pain...