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That Nostalgic Feel


The feeling is something I’ve experienced before. I smell the air and I almost recognized it. My senses are somewhat calmed and I feel at peace. In front of me, long tables occupy the spaces. To the side, stacks of bookcases neatly piled up. I look around my environment. Students occupy some of the tables. Their academic arsenal strewn all over the table ; highlighters, pencils, correction pens...

Test Message


If you can read this message SUCCESSFULLY, that means something ; it means that my w.blogger, which is a nifty offline blogging tool I just downloaded is working properly and is able to sync and publish whatever I’ve written offline straight into my blog without having me to log into my actual blog 🙂

And So I Come Back


It’s been an awfully long time since I’ve really just blogged. Most of my previous entries were quick entries. You could tell it was lacking something…perhaps these last entries of mine were sans reflections? Indeed my writings for this month has been sans reflection. I haven’t really had a decent time to sit down and blog. Even right now as I am preparing to churn out this piece of entry, I’m...

Yes I’ve been busy


You know, sometimes the lamest thing you can write about on your blog in an attempt to cover up the reason behind it being hardly populated is to moan and whine about how busy your life has been until you haven’t had much time to blog, blah blah blah! Seriously, like the rest of the other bloggers out there aren’t tied up with their own work? It sometimes makes it look as though they...

Rapid updates


Yes I am back after being away for sometime from my blog. The truth is, I have actually been away, physically away. I just returned from an exhaustive trip from the East Coast where I was there for almost a week conducting the systems training for my client. All in all it was quite an eventful trip. I wanted to blog about it (my trip) over the weekend, alas I spent the entire weekend...


Admin Stuff