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Why do we say nice things about people only after they’re dead?


Newsweek recently ran an article on the late Sen. Edward Kennedy and many prominent figures, such as John Kerry (one of my favourite politicians by the way), and Bob Dole wrote beautiful articles, paying tribute to one of the ‘greatest senators of the United States of America of all time’… the articles were inspiring, many of them filled with memorable moments where Teddy made...

Men are not all about sex


I just came back from watching the movie ,The Ugly Truth, with a good friend of mine. The movie basically revolves around this guy, who has his own TV show which primarily propagates on the fact that men are just about sex, and a woman should do everything to make themselves pleasing to men if she wants him. Now whether the story is written in the sense to deliberately portray a typical alpha...

Decluttering myself


I have this super bad habit, and how I got to “contract” this bad habit… I ‘m not sure as well and this bad habit is…well its not really a BAD habit…rather its more of a condition. I think I’m suffering from Clutter’s Disease. Okay I now it’s not really a disease, but I have this major issue when it comes to organization. For some reason, I...

How God changes the heart…


I know I was supposed to write about Love in my last entry, but I think I will shelf that for sometime, got other things to write about  đŸ™‚ We just recently finished our annual Youth camp over the weekend and there was something that took me by surprise. You see, one of my colleagues had actually joined the camp, and I didn’t really know it. In fact I never did think that this colleague of...

Rekindling my thoughts


It’s been quite a long time since I last blogged and yes I kinda missed blogging. Not because I feel obligated to write something on this paid host which I just renewed a few weeks back scratchpad, rather I guess lately I have been thinking a whole lot more. I have, or I would like to think that I have gained insights on things about life. No no, nothing traumatic actually happened in my...


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