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Lenten Season…


The last Wednesday marked the beginning of lent in the Church’s liturgical calender ; a season where we prepare our hearts and minds for the passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior. Lent is typically marked by a season of penance, where recall our thoughts and minds of all the misdeeds we have done and we also prepare our hearts to celebrate God’s gift to...

Playing sins of the solar empire


Alright alright, I spent the entire morning trying to figure out how to properly instal this game. I had downloaded the whole 1.13 GB file last night, so today morning, upon installing, I got a rude awakening from the system saying that I needed to enter the Activation key! And if you notice, there is no activation key in the folder of the 1.13 GB file. Therefore you would need to download the...

The beauty of this country…


Having the opportunity to study abroad really does have its benefits. One of them is that it  allows you to evaluate and then decide on the things that you can come to appreciate about  your native country.  I have to admit, I’m not the most patriotic person when it comes to my  home country.  The only thing that I DO care about in this country is it’s social and economic    issues...

My dog ate Part 2…and I am moving on


I like writing in parts.  Writing in parts relieves me because I can ramble one super long post and just cut it into small parts. However I do have one habit when it comes to doing this : I don’t finish my parts at times… this being one of the case. I’m tempted to write about my November and December experiences…but I think I shall not. New stories for new posts I guess 🙂...

Post September 27th 2009 – Part I


September 27th 2009. That was my last entry That’s a long time ago, roughly 100 days or more ago. Yes I am still very much alive and I’ve been tied up with work and..well other things.  In my absence, lots of things have happened,  and so, in order to do justice to my readers, and most importantly to myself, I thought I would highlight the events that have happened over the last 3-4...


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