The story of Christmas never fails to leave me with a sense of hope. As I sit here in the comforts of my hometown of Penang, where I am spending the christmas weekend with my family, I can’t help but feel a sense of hope for the things that are to come. Not that I am hoping for anything. No, in fact more than anything I do feel thankful, but that’s a topic for another day...
Against the odds
Getting the right foundation
I decide to write this as a result of a spirited conversation I had with a friend who was perplexed over why people who don’t even have any relationship with God can prosper and do well in life. It made her wonder about her own faith in God and as a result, I decided to write this. Foundations are the most important aspect in the construction business. If you’ve ever seen a house or...
Revisiting Discernment
About a year ago I gave a talk on discerning God’s will to a group of young Catholic adults. The gist of my talk had to do with discerning between two goods, and trying to understand what God’s choice is for us. I spoke about how discernment first involves getting on the same wavelength with God, first ensuring that one’s prayer life has to be in place. I concluded my talk by...
Still around
It’s been almost a month since I last blogged about….well since I last blogged…period. Partly this is due to the recent changes this blog went through as I recently changed my webhosting company from Lunarpages to Webhostingpad. I decided that as part of the change I will also change the blog appearance…new wine for new wineskin mentality you could say 🙂 Anyway as I was...
Some thoughts on faith
As I mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to take some time to reflect upon that meditation that was written by Catherine De Heuck Doherty, or better known simply as Catherine Doherty. I was the featured meditation which appeared in the Magnificat publication last monday and it was on Faith, particularly on having faith at dark times when we can’t see ahead and we just need to trust Lord...