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Keeping the thoughts alive


May was quite a busy month for me. I realize that I didn’t blog at all for the whole of last month. As I look back and reflect over the month of May, and attempt to justify my absence, I find that I could only come up with a few “lame” excuses , namely I was just quite tied up with my own life issues and at the same time, I was just too lazy to write anything down. However that...

Of fate and free will


“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand” – Randy Pausch I have always loved movies which have a moral story behind it. I would often watch these type of movies over and over again simply because every time I watch it I learn something new. The Adjustment Bureau does not fall shy of this. Although it’s a mash up between a sci-fi movie and a...

Of empty promises and failed men


“Though all may have their faith in you shaken, mine will never be” – St. Peter assuring Jesus when the Christ fortells them of what is about to happen to Him “…this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times” – Jesus’ reply to Peter. (Matthew 26:34) Today’s gospel reading at mass commemorates the triumphal entry of...

Carrying On…


The last couple of days have been quite a change for me. My project recently ended and I have been staffed in another new project and I’ve been spending the last couple of days trying to get used to the new environment….well it’s not really new, my 1st project was actually in KLCC where I spent more than a year with the client and between that time and now, I was assigned to...

2 posts at one go!


Dear friend, Thank you for reading Uncanny Philosophy and following my thoughts and life throughout this time. I have returned home from my 2 weeks vacation trip in Europe. In my time over there, I got some opportunity to do some reflection and I managed to do some writing in the train while we moved from one country to another. It was a good break and writing on the train is quite a bonus...


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