I am halfway reading through Jefferey Archer’s “Kane and Abel” and I just finished reading the part where George Novak proudly tells Wladek that when he goes to America, he is planning to change his name to make it sound more “english sounding” versus his current polish name (Jerzy Novak). It just got me thinking how easily people can just change their names. I...
What’s in a name?
Wake up call for our country
July 9th marks a very significant point in our history. A rally to push for the cause of freer elections and other mandates. Offices called it an early day in the city center today as many employers urged their staff to head back home to avoid the roadblocks and traffic jams. As I was making my way back home it got me thinking about why this whole campaign even came into being. Why was this...
Respect and belief
For weeks my young adults group at church were planning to to organize a talk on religious differences between Is lam and christianity, specifically educating and creating an awareness among our members on the differences between our religion and theirs. As I did not know much about the former religion, I decided to purchase a book on it, which would be fair and honest in its assessment and...
Why do men cheat?
My friend once remarked to me about how there are more girls who are sincere then there are guys who are sincere when it comes to relationships and particularly matters of the heart. And the number of girls out there who are sincere in wanting a serious relationship sometimes does seem that is equivalent to the number of guys who just want to fool around. Otherwise how would you explain the...
I’m back
Yeap after my one month long dissapearance I’m finally back! Had some issues with my blog but it’s all back to normal! My account actually got hacked (or so I think, or maybe it’s just some random unexplainable screwup in the server system) but whatever it is, I’m back and yippidee do it’s good to be back alright. Hmm need to find how I can do autobackup (bi weekly)...