Whenever I return back to Penang for a short break, I always have this habit of checking out my school magazine. I would look and re-look at the old school class photos and glance through my peers and yes, I would also glance at a nerdy looking picture of myself. I would often think of my failures back in school and questions which challenged my tenacity and intelligence would pierce my...
The playing field has been levelled
When truth is not really ugly
Perception, like anything else plays an important part in how we make sense of the world. I learnt this during my college years, and this philosophy of mine became more concrete as I matured into adulthood. My mum used to always tell me that people’s opinions are like the wind, today they blow east, tomorrow they blow west. Having said that then, we all know that in order to improve...
Of Judgement and Mercy
Yesterday at mass I heard a very powerful homily on hudgement and mercy. The priest’s homily was focused on how we tend to “judge” in our daily lives and sometimes by doing this, we get labelled as being “judgemental” or “holier-than-thou” especially in this modern day and age. Society shuns upon people who make such “righteous judgement” on others. Even I myself at many a times have been...
My Unifi Experience
“Dude, it only takes me less than an hour and a half to download a movie” my colleague proudly beemed to me over lunch one fine day. We were discussing about TM’s unifi broadband service and my colleague was one of the 1st people I knew to have it installed at his place. I couldn’t believe it when he told me that. 1.5 GB in under 2 hours? My current streamyx could only...
The Joy of writing
I have to admit that the last couple of days have been rather edifying for me. What started as a desire to return to my writing last week turned out to be more complicated as I found out that my username and password for my blog had somewhat “changed”. To be honest, I was quite surprised. I mean who the heck would want to even “hack” my account?? Anyhow, I managed to...