I realized that my last few entries have been very faith driven. Well I guess the reason for this reflects the situation that I am in ; a situation where you feel you have done your best, you have given your everything and yet things are just so hard for you. All around you, Giants are trying to devour you and bring down your spirits. I had the opportunity to watch a very powerful movie called...
With God, Nothing Is Impossible! Part 1
The boat and the storm
He had commanded them to take a boat and to meet Him at the other end of the lake. It was late at night already, isn’t it dangerous to take the boat out at the middle of the night like this? One of them looked up in the sky “it’s gonna rain soon… what is the Master thinking” he must have practically thought in his mind. And yet they obeyed their Master and went out...
Saving faith
I often find it quite interesting whenever people often remark or comment that the God of the Old Testament is very different from the God of the New Testament. This dicthotomy is known as Marcionism and it was condemned as a heresy in the early formation of the church’s life. I was just pondering today on today’s readings where God invites all to participate in his salvation plan...
A new beginning
Just as nature goes through its four seasons, so do we go through our seasons in life. As the flowers and the leaves start to flood the landscape, we too have those moments in our lives. The bloomings of certain achievements we have achieved after a long horrible and cold winter. Then in the summer, our gifts and talents are further developed, further refined and further appreciated. Like those...
Dear Mum
Dear Mum, It’s been a while I know. How are you doing? I hope things are fine with you. Of course it would be fine, you’re with the Creator now! How good can it get right? I wonder what you are upto these days over there. Are you still busy running around like how you used to be when you were here? Remember how I used to tag around with you whenever you had your school meetings? I would just sit...