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…and He gave us Hope


Christmas is primarily about one person : Jesus Christ. It’s not about the christmas gifts, it’s not about the season greetings, it’s not about long breaks, its not even about spending time with family and loved ones. In it’s truest form, Christmas is about our the opening chapter of our redemption plan. Through Jesus Christ we would be saved, through Jesus Christ we would...

Homecoming : School and Tuition Part 2


This essay continues where I left off in the prior essay on my schooling and college years..this essay focuses on the 2nd part which is my tuition experiences I mentioned briefly that during my high school days tuition was another side that played a part in my education formation. Like any Malaysian kid who grew up in Malaysia and DID attend the Malaysian education system, tuitions was a staple...

Homecoming : School and Tuition Part 1


This essay focuses more on my school experiences…my next essay focuses on the tuition experiences. As a child, I hated school. I hated doing homework, I hated showing my report card to my parents, I hated having to tell my mum to come to school to meet with my teacher (teacher obviously requested it!). I hated my classes. I hated the ride to my school. I would do anything not to go to...

Homecoming : My memories of Penang


Every time whenever I visit my hometown, I always tell myself “I am gonna write some stuff about Penang especially my memories of this wonderful hometown of mine”  but within hours of just arriving home, I find myself always running here and there, especially frequenting the malls around the island. And it’s in those times when I am in the mall, I will again get the epiphany that I should write...

How we are losing the true gift and meaning of life


We are living in an age where we have forgotten the basic premise of what it means to be human. We have lost the idea of cherishing life, of appreciating the gift of the other. We go through life as though it were a set of turnstiles. And I think the reason for this is because we have placed too much hope on this world. We have given too much importance to our earthly needs. That has caused us to...


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