God has a way of dealing with us human beings. He uses the perfect time (though we think it’s the worst time ever), the right people (although we think these people are “thorns in our flesh”) and the right situation to reveal something really marvellous which we will only and often only appreciate in hindsight. It’s like the cosmos; it’s either we are too caught up...
A Man named Karol…Part 2
A man named Karol… Part 1
A couple of years back I bought the authorized official autobiography of John Paul II entitled witness to hope. It was a mammoth of a book and as any kind of mammoth book, I didn’t read it at all. It was lying in my shelf for many years and subsequently about 2 weeks back I decided to buy Witness To Hope – The audiobook from audible. Considering the fact that I would be traveling a...
The pathology of the spiritual declination
I realized i haven’t written much lately due to the plethora of activities that have been taking place these past few weeks. And as always what happens when you get to carried away with one activity after another? You start losing your focus and your prayer life takes a beating. In the midst of trying to keep up with my commitments and activities, I have neglected the most fundamental...
Pushing Against The Rock
Another story I want to share…this one really hit me like a rock (pun intended) There once was a man who was asleep one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light and the Saviour appeared to him. The Lord told him He had a work for him to do, and showed him a large rock explaining that he was to push against the rock with all his might. This the man did, and for many...
Back in the grind
It’s been a while since I’ve done a proper-proper update on what’s been happening. Well as you can see, I have redesigned my blog for 2013. Every 2-3 years since 2008, my blog has gone a mandatory change and feel. This will be it’s 3rd change so far, the last one which occurred in 2010 and before that in 2008. But enough about my blog, moving on to other stuff, I have...