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Dear Sirs, I am the problem


The following is an article which I wrote for my local parish newsletter a few weeks ago, reflecting on the new evangelisation talk that was given to the participants in my young adults ministry. It has been said that G.K Chesterton once responded to a Times editorial team who asked the question ‘What is wrong with the world today?’ with 2 simple sentences. “Dear Sirs, I am”. There was nothing...

The Pursuit of happiness


It’s funny how in the declaration of the United States, among all the essential basic guarantee of human rights an individual has, it was happiness that is the only want which needs to be pursued. Not liberty, not life, but happiness, as it was clearly epitomized in the movie – The Pursuit of Happyness. I was in Bangkok over the weekend with my cousin when he brought up the topic of happiness. He...

Happy Birthday Mum


Dear Mum, I know it’s been a long time since I actually have written to you. And before I forget, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I forget how old you are already, what is it, 63 now? Anyway as they say, age is just a number right? You must be looking lovely as always with all the angels and saints. Did they get you anything? Oh right what kinda question is that?! You probably have everything you need...

Life Without the Internet


I am typing this article. Offline. Yes that’s right; while I wait for the connection to come back online I am typing this. Offline. See even the word “offline” makes me cringe slightly.  I am feeling both helpless and angst at the moment. Work is being delayed; I can’t communicate with my subordinates, supervisors, colleagues and friends. I can’t even see if I have any important emails that might...

What do you get someone who has everything?


A few weeks back my brother gave me a birthday card and in it he wrote – “what do you get someone who has everything in life?” – he was alluding to the fact that it was hard for him to get me a birthday gift. I chuckled when I saw the card the next morning and on the way to work that day, it left me pondering. Ironically it would also be the exact same day that I would receive the news that I got...


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