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This too shall pass


It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end… because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing… this shadow. Even darkness must pass – LOTR, The Two Towers There...

My blackberry passport experience


My blackberry passport experience It’s been almost a week since I have been using the blackberry passport and I gotta say this is probably one of the best smartphones I have used to date. The last time I actually changed phones was back in 2013 when I decided to upgrade my phone from my old faithful iPhone 3Gs to a samsung galaxy s3. What a poor decision that turned out to be as the S3...

The sound of silence


It’s in the silence that you realise the realities around you. It’s in the silence you learn to tune out of the maddening world. And it its in the silence you truly enter the void. The silence drowns everything around you and ascends the you within you . The silence tunes everything out and tunes you up. It’s in the silence you hear less of the world happening outside of you, and more that is...

All Izz Well : What I learnt from 3 Idiots


For the longest time I had heard about how wonderful the movie 3 Idiots was. This started way back in 2010 after the movie was just released and I remember alot of my friends telling me that its a brilliant movie and I should watch it. Surprisingly most of these people who told me this were non indians and they were colleagues from my work. Can you imagine your chinese friends telling you to...

Looking Back Series – Epilogue : Looking back and forward


He has made everything beautiful in its time – Ecc 3:1 Looking back now I can’t help but marvel – to marvel at god’s goodness, at His marvellous blessing upon my life. I felt somehow that now when I look back it’s as though Ms. Somewhat was brought into my life for more than just to be a companion – she was brought into my life for me to discover my own purpose, my goals and...


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