Work is something that defines man. When we meet someone the first thing we often ask “What do you do?”. In our post-modern culture, our work has defined who we are and what we do. And rightly so. Think about how work is tied to status and reputation. We define a person’s stature by his profession. We rationalize an individual’s prized posession by his status and job. The...
The other side of Work
I am life’s shock absorbers
I am life’s shock absorber. I am a toxic handler. I am whatever you call it that helps you get by an unpleasant situation. I listen to people who tell me their problems. I provide advise and counsel if possible. Like how shock absorbers cushion the unpleasantness when you pass through a bump or a pothole, I am that shock absorber that helps make that pothole experience bearable. I try to...
Returning to prayer
As I wrapped up my work earlier today and drove myself home after a day’s work, I thought about talking to God. Nothing fancy, just a simple catch up. I felt that I had missed Him after so long. The soul gets weary and tired after ploughing through days and days without water. I felt I wanted to pray and get connected back to God. And so I did just precisely that. I didn’t have much...
You can’t put a price on it
On Friday I was fuming. I had missed my flight for the first time and I was upset at myself as I thought my unfortunate predicament was my own doing. Afterall how else do you make sense of what had happened? I ended my entry my asking how do we persevere and endure when the whole world makes demands of you? Although I didn’t find the exact answers to my anguished questions per se I found...
I must slow down
I am sitting here typing this entry in the airport. I had missed my flight 45 minutes ago and I am waiting to catch the next available flight to my destination. As I cleared through the security check I was sullen. Missing my flight, albeit it was just a local flight really had an impact on me. It wasn’t so much I had to pay a bomb to get a ticket for the next flight, but I felt more...