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30 Days to Go Part II


Interviews can be a nerve wrecking process for anyone. You realize that there is only so much you can prepare and the anxiety and tension that comes with all the preparation can sometimes be overwhelming. And here I was, in Singapore originally scheduled to meet the partner of my former company and now I had to prepare for another one. And to throw a gauntlet and make thing more complicated I had...

30 days to Go Part I


June 8th. I had just finished my last MBA exam. I was the only student taking the exam at the university campus. Hands aching from writing my paper, I decided to celebrate the completion of my exams by indulging myself in a lego set before heading for daily mass at SFX. Glad the exam was over I spent the next few days chilling and gearing up for Ms Somewhat’s visit that weekend. We were...

Not too long to go – Part II


Ending 2015 and Starting 2016 I ended the year with mix feelings. There was an announcement that my sector would be undergoing a restructure and things would be changing (Another oddity that I felt in this company – the constant restructuring one had to endure). Under the new structure, there will not be departments any more but now instead the CHRO will be assigning us to around 30+...

Not too long to go – Part I


If you would have told me about a year ago that I would be leaving my job just after working for about a year I would have scoffed in disbelief and told you I am not a quitter. I had developed a penchant for being tenacious during my university years and as well as my working career and I wasn’t gonna give that up so soon. And yet here I am after about a year leaving my job. This one year has...

A day in a life


I am blogging this to remember. To remember how my life was. As you could tell that over the last couple of months life hasnt been great. It is said that in a man’s life, he undergoes a sort of a rite of passage, transitioning from boyhood to adulthood.  This is the time he is put to the test to see what he is made of. In all culture, both modern an aboriginal, such rituals exist. I like to...


Admin Stuff