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Grinding it through


The last few weeks have been a tough one. Work has been keeping me busy onetime until late into the night. From sacrificing most of my weekends to finish off work which I couldn’t complete over the weekends to Organising and leading company events it has been one busy season for me. On top of all that managing the household with the wifey and at the same time making sure the wifey is okay...

Thoughts on a being a Dad


“You seem like someone who will be a good dad”  That was a statement I used to hear over and over again during my 20s with comments like these coming from people in my youth ministry, especially young mothers who were part of the community. I used to sometimes think that its their way of flattering me and getting me to do some what work them which involved taking up some...

The day I found out we are expecting


We had a real rough week. The last 2 weeks before the News came was tough on both of us. While I had been somewhat accustomed to the Wifey’s  behaviour and mood swings especially during her menses, this time around it was even too much. One minute she would be happy, the next minute sad, and the next minute she would tell me how much she misses me. Something was definitely amiss here. Then...

A stranger in a foreign land (aka I am back!)


It’s been a long time, yes far too long, Its been a very long time since I last blogged. Well actually that’s not entirely all true! I have been blogging over the last few months, but these thoughts, these entries of mine have been kept safely in my Evernote documents. Yes, I have been writing, just not on this blog. Nevertheless I have returned – back to my official writing pad...

30 days to Go Part III


I was scheduled to make another visit to the red dot island the following week. Having completed my first interviews with both companies I had returned home on Wednesday, 22nd June. The following week, I would make another trip on 30th June, this time in preparation for ROM. Ms. Somewhat had informed me that I needed to be there a day earlier (friday) for the pre-ROM briefing and preparation. And...


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