Sin – Its very name evokes a sense of displeasure and disgust. Mention the word sin and you will see the forlorn look on people’s faces, casting a pre-gloominess feeling. Sin is something we are all familiar with and have been in some way of form influenced by it’s tantalising effects. We all have our own apples, our own forbidden trees, our line in the sand which we are told...
Sin the Sinister Foe
Improving my writing
My writing has recently taken a severe beating. I am not sure how this really happened or how it imploded but my writing really sucks. It isn’t really the case that I can’t write well, but beyond that I have been struggling to even pen and structure my thoughts down together and produce a decent writing piece for this block. I find that I have misplaced th necessary skills required to...
Rekindling a long lost love
“You can’t park here darling” the wifey quipped, dutifully reminding me that I had tried to park our rented Hyundai at a faculty zone. I continued circling around the University of Western Australia (UWA)’s business school carpark and found a student parking lot eventually. Giddily I parked and we both made our way to the business school reception area. About a week...
The month that was
I just realised I didn’t write anything for the month of April. Well that’s simply because april was really a busy month. I had planned to post up something on my reflections during Holy week, but the influenza that I had contracted over holy week (ironically I got sick on Holy Thursday all through the whole week post easter) was one nasty one that kept me sniffling and sneezing...
The week that was
The week leading up to March 31st, which was the last week of March was an eventful one. It was this week that we finally got to see our little one in action. We signed up for the OSCAR test which provides a detailed scan of foetus at 11-14 weeks. We went it for our scan at Week 12. To our delight, as the radiographer prepared to scan the wifey’s belly, we found Cashew tucked away in deep...