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A different kind of November


Lately friends at work have been telling me that time has really flown this year. Indeed it has and what a year 2019 has been so far. There have been many ups and downs chronicling this year and although the year is almost coming to a close I still feel there are a few more things left to be uncovered in my life. Yes we are in November. November typically has never been a great month for me over...

AS the days go by…


It was just another day when the wifey came to pick me up from work. She usually does this every now and then and whenever she’s out or whenever we are going out somewhere after work. Today was such. As she picked me up from my office I remarked to her – wow its already Friday! Yes, the days have gone by so quickly. Weeks are now vanishing in almost a blink of an eye! And while I do welcome...

Mobile blogging anyone?


So now you can blog without a need for a laptop. Convenient? Definitely! The WordPress app is extremely easy and functional to use. I could be taking the bus, commuting on the train or even be in the loo making some business and I can still fire up a post if I need. But would I really use this feature? Would I consider mobile blogging as a legitimate alternative to my usual mode of blogging? I...

the day my blog died…


Okay clearly I am being overdramatic about this but yes my blog did suffer a near-fatal death over the last week. Its as though my blog had a string of all types of issues that wreaked major havoc on my site – from database failure issues to losing my admin access and to code header errors, it was just a terrible and painful feeling to see my blog just “lying” unused and plagued...

An Ordinary Dad with an Extraordinary Father


I recently wrote a reflection on how my faith with God the Father helps me become a better dad. We are very privileged to have a faith in which God seeks us out actively and passionately rather than the other way around. To say we have a God who loves us is an understatement – We have a Father who is MADLY and lavishly in love with us, his children. As Jesus reminds us in his farewell...


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