In 3 days time, we will finally be moving to our home, our first and official family home. This is definitely a significant event for both the wifey and me and also our little one (even though he is clueless as to what’s going on sometimes but rest assured he’s aware of Number 7. Yes, our new home, Number 7. To say the wait has been agonizing for both wifey and me would be an...
In Nomad’s Land
A New Year, A new Chapter
New years are a big thing for some people. It signals the end of another year and it calls to mind some time to reflect and assess one own’s self about how the year was. To some, new years’ are also a time to party, to relax and to gear up for the upcoming new year. To me though, I started the new year with mixed feelings. Part of me – excited and eager to get on with life, to...
Reflecting twenty nineteen – Part V
I have written extensively on the events that occurred in November and so I shall not repeat it here. Rather I want to reflect something really important – the gift of friendships that kept both wifey and me alive and enabled us to cope during this tumultuous period. We were deeply affected, both emotionally and mentally as well as physically from the events that unfolded during November...
Reflecting Twenty Nineteen – Part IV
We bought a house. That would be the dominant theme that would continue the narrative for the 2nd half of the year. I honestly had thought houses here would be well maintained by the government. But I was very wrong in my assumptions. The house we bought was pretty old, and pretty badly maintained. We would need to wait for another 6 agonizing weeks in July and early August before our ID could...
Reflecting Twenty Nineteen – Part III
New York City. Love it or hate, it is one city that has divided opinions. Having visited New York some time back, I was looking forward to visiting NYC again, considering this time we would be staying in downtown Manhattan. We had a nice time in New York visiting The Central Park zoo and walking around the streets although it was quite a challenge lugging the stroller along the subway! It was...