Apologies for not continuing with my follow up Part 2 of the Circuit breaker post from before. Work has been keeping me quite busy and to some degree stressed as well as I wade my way around through this new operating model that was introduced earlier this year. What a crappy and shitty time to introduce it – given how uncertain the current economic climate has had an impact on all of us...
A one-week breather
Surviving The Lockdown Part 1
When the news erupted back in early April that the little red dot would be going into a lockdown circuit breaker, I honestly didn’t know what to make of it. For months now, beginning 2 months back in early February, things were already starting to look more worrisome with COVID-19. While my work made plans to get people to start practicing social distancing, I gotta say I didn’t think...
Very much alive, very much busy
This is definitely not the first time that I have written a header with a title that is similar to the one above. So far, despite the ever-increasing spread of COVID-19, the family is somehow doing ok. Personally, while physically everything has been so far so good, at a mental level the virus outbreak has somewhat taken some hit on my mental resilience. I think the thought of project stopping...
A week has almost gone by since we moved into our new home. Boy, what a week it has been! The last week was extremely eventful and while there are just too many things to write about (and certainly one blog post WILL NOT BE ABLE to do justice to chronicling the week’s event) I thought I just spend some time just jotting down a few quick events that happened throughout the week – in a...
5 things I am Looking forward to
In preparation for our move which will be happening in 2 days time, I thought I take a moment to jot down 5 key things that I will be looking forward in our new home : HOME COOKED FOOD I can’t stress the importance of home-cooked food. For 5 long months, I missed wifey’s cooking and I yearn to have home-cooked food once again. Not only is it healthy, but its also easy on the wallet...