I’m surprised… literally I am
Remember how I said in my last post that if you read my next entry, it would probably mean that I had succeeded in upgrading to WordPress 2.7? Well that entry was published a litte less than 90 mins ago!
Yes, I’m already using version 2.7 now!
I can’t believe it took me quite fast to get the whole upgrade process done? As I mentioned earlier, I have never done any upgrades prior to this. Previously, what I would USUALLY do is just set up a new wordpress blog and just import my comments and entries. Yes very primitive (and not to mention ridicilously stupid!) But anyway I’m glad it’s done, and I am even more glad that there was no major screw ups.
For those of you who are using WordPress and are planning to upgrade it, just remember these rules
1. Backup your SQL database and disable all your plugins
2. Download the latest WP version ( duH!)
3. Make sure you’ve copied your wp-config details into the new wp-config details in WP version 2.7 one
4. Delete your existing wp-admin and wp-include directory
4. Upload the new wp-admin and wp-include directory (from the new WP you just downloaded!) and a couple of other files
5. Once all those files are in, go to yourhomepage.com/wp-admin.
6. If all went well, you should be naturally prompted for an upgrade 🙂
That’s it 🙂
Here’s the guide which guided me during this whole upgrade process: