26th Jan marked my last day with the Firm which I have been part of for the last 7 years. Instead of just blogging how I felt about the whole move, (which is also pertinent to capture down), I thought it would be instructing to just relive the day and just write down what exactly I did on my last day…
The Timeline….
- I woke up as usual around 6:25 am to get ready to drop the 1st one for school.
- I came back home at around 7:25 and decided to visit the Adoration Room – I found that I am more susceptible to issues when I don’t see God often
- I got ready for work, and left work around 9 am. I wanted to leave earlier in the hopes of catching up with my Country MD – felt it would be great to just do it right this time (i.e. catchup with people and inform them that I was leaving). So happened I bumped into him at the lift lobby and we managed to exchange a few words
- At around 10 plus, I finally drafted my farewell email and hit the “send” button before finally closing off my laptop for good and returning it to the IT team – that feeling was so surreal because of the first time, I literally did not have to care about work. I didn’t even bother to clear my emails!
- At around 11, after returning my laptop, I went over to see HR and say my goodbyes to my TFS as well as some other consultants who had worked under me for the last couple of years
- 11:30 – I was out of my office and stopped by to have lunch on route to meeting up with wifey at Wheelock Place to get her eyes checked. I volunteered to accompany her so that I could take care of #2 while she could carefully spend some time with the optometrist.
- 1:30 – I was back at CBD after wifey finished running her errand. I spent some time in adoration before meeting my supervisor for the last time. We had a nice coffee catchup, and I realised that would be probably the last time I would see him in the firm. There was bit of a feeling of sadness finally having to leave after being with him for nearly 7 years and supporting through his project change activities
- 3:30 – I reached home, and changed to head over to SJI to see #1 in the football pitch
- 5:30 – Game was over, and we headed back home to have dinner and prepare for Word prep
- 9:00 pm – Finished word prep, feeling dead tired