Keeping the thoughts alive


May was quite a busy month for me. I realize that I didn’t blog at all for the whole of last month. As I look back and reflect over the month of May, and attempt to justify my absence, I find that I could only come up with a few “lame” excuses , namely I was just quite tied up with my own life issues and at the same time, I was just too lazy to write anything down. However that is not to say that May was a quite or boring month, in fact, May was quite an eventful period for me. I shall try to sum up the events that happened in the month of May


Work was starting to pick up the pace. The workload was growing and I spent a good portion of my time at work scheduling meetings and discussing process workflows with the clients. I have to admit, even though I have worked for the client organization for almost 3 years now, working with the upstream folks was a welcoming change for me. I found them to be somewhat proactive and their willingness to help was a plus point in my interactions with them. We culminated our work with a workshop to validate our  processes and it was going great until the end we got screwed by the project sponsor. Well not so much “we” but more so “me” given that my process flows are actually new (unlike the others who were more involved in mapping the established processes into the new department) I had to approache the senior management team to obtain their conscent as well as they were also involved in the processes. And you know how it’s like when you engage SMTs ; the process is dramatically slowed down, and there’s really nothing much you can do about it.

In terms of the actual work though, I don’t know…I’m finding work to be slightly boring these days, less challenging. I’ve requested for an overseas assignment and I just hope I get it.  


The love life is going great. Kate and I are growing stronger in our relationship and as the days pass by, I realize that we’re learning more and more about each other. However I find the biggest difference in THIS relationship is that we both are making the effort to build up this relationship, and that our differences are more accepted by each other, rather than becoming an obstacle course for us to manouver.

Still I do believe that much more needs to be done, but I am confident that we are getting there, slowly, day-by-day.  We’ve started to close our daily chat sessions with a short prayer, with me often leading us both into prayer and she coming in to offer up her intentions. I think the relationship is moving in the right direction!


May started off with us having our annual LifeCamp. Sherman was awesome as always and I really felt this camp stirred the hearts of our young adults this time around. It was less rar-rar and more spiritual and reflective in nature. I have to admit we didn’t plan as “hard” as we did for the previous one, but yet, somehow this camp turned out to be very meaningful for the participants. Sometimes I believe God has His way of turning hearts to him.

Well I guess that’s all for now. I have been thinking of some stuff lately to write and reflect about, and perhaps when time permits, I will write down some of these things down. Until then, that’s all from me….for now 🙂

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