Hearing your child express his first few words is a remarkable feeling. Even if its just utter jibberish, you can’t help but feel elated and be filled with unprecedented joy. Hearing him call out to you…now that’s something that is beyond remarkable. It’s moving to the core of your heart.
That’s what the little one has been doing over the last few weeks. His mother has taught him some basic words (in babytalk language of course) and one of these words is learning how to call his dad, which is me!
And so the little one often starts off by saying dadada…as though he’s reminiscing something that occurred many moons ago, but he’s actually calling for me, because from a distance he can now spot his father. Sometimes I don’t really give much attention to his calling because I can’t really hear him and I get the impression he’s just babbling away.
Yes I know, I am a fool. For its plainly obvious at times he is indeed really calling for his dad. And here I am, sometimes too preoccupied with my own devices that I forget that I am missing out on a moment which will never ever come back again.
It’s truly a great feeling to see my son calling out for me and at times, not just calling out for me but reaching out with arms up in the air waiting for his dad to come and swoop him in his arms. Until then he will protest and let out cries of despair akin to one that is crying out for help. And once he’s in daddy’s arms, the boy is calm again, confidently scouting the room while he nestles his body on his dad’s secured arms.
I am recoding this so that I don’t forget what its like to hear Noah call me dada. I am recording this to capture a piece of memory that I hope one day to look back with great nostalgia and fondness at being given this precious opportunity to watch my son grow up