I thought I should write something…


I know its been a while ; yours truly has been quite busy with life generally – I think my last post was almost 3 months ago, and in that I mentioned that life is really like a timing thing – I suppose you could say that even blogging is a timing thing. I just havent had the chance to blog or pen down my thoughts over the last couple of months because I have been vividly living it instead, be it at home, on my commute to work, at my various workplaces and also in my pockets of solitude with God over at mass or in His Presence.

I guess if I had to reflect on something it would probably be at home and at work. I will start with the home first and I would say that life with two kids does change the dynamics at home, a whole lot more! Seeing the wifey juggle it all is no easy feat. In fact its downright madness and machoistic to some degree!! Just as you put one to bed or at ease, the other one comes at you in full force and it gets insanely tiring and challenging after a while – and to think she has been doing this for the last 6-7 months is just mad. I thought having a girl would make life abit easier but I think she’s taken up after her brother. Its not to say that the kids are bad, far from it – Number 1 in fact I think is far more independent and matured compared to those who are even older than him! But there is definitely the craziness that he has passed on to her and she delights in him. That’s the word, delight. Both brother and sister have an uncanny delightful bond and you can see how she just yearns for her brother whenever he’s around. While its really sweet and special to see that, at times it can be quite detrimental, especially to mum.

Work on the other hand is not as bad as home. While its demanding and I have had a few hiccups to deal with in the course of the year, work has been also challenging – i think in part this is due to the fact that I have sort of established some credibility and presence in my two projects but its still quite a challenge to juggle both projects especially after undergoing a number of attritions and releases of project team members due to various reasons, alot of the burden has fallen on me and my team leads. But like anything else, you come out of it and you move on.

But oh well I guess work is also teaching me something new, something I probably may have known before but now I am seeing it in greater light – that work is just work. It should not define who you are or give you that ego boost – because there’s truly more to life that winning over a client or delivering excellent work – ever since I joined the Way (I would have to blog about it separately as it deserves its own space altogether) my perspective on life has deeply changed and I cant really put my finger on it and claim exactly what it is has change. Its like a sort of mysterion that has just engulfed my life and my family’s life.

There’s also something else, something important, potentially life changing that is also brewing in the works but I shall also save that for another time, when the time is appropriate. Afterall, it is a timing thing.

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By Martin


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