Guilty of wasting time


Sometimes the guilt feeling comes, it comes when I end up usually squandering precious weekend time doing trivial and idle stuff. The worst part is, I know I’m wasting my time, what’s even worse, I sometimes just can’t be bothered.

Maybe it’s because I work really hard over the weekdays and the thought of me needing to continue working hard by doing productive work really doesn’t quite appeal to me. I work almost 9-10 hours each day (including commuting time), and by the time I’m done work, my mind is soo exhausted I keep telling myself to just hang in there, the weekend is coming soon. Even today, most of my morning was spent in the office trying to finish up an overdue-pending-but-I-am-still-struggling-to-finish project.

The sucky part behind it all is that these productive things that I am supposed to do over the weekend needs to be seen to. I guess I have to admit, I just want to laze my weekends away, just not do anything difficult or time consuming, just relax, enjoy myself by indulging in video games and afternoon siestas.

Oh well, sometimes I can be really hopeless… ๐Ÿ˜›

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