Faith & Religion


By this everyone will know that you are my disciples

John 13:35

I feel my site will not be justified and complete if I do not have a page just devoted to my faith. I’m a    proud craddle Catholic Christian. I love and I just adore my God so much, even though there are times where I have gone against His will (I think it’s far too many times), but the fact that the Holy Spirit is always strong enough to convict me to return back to the Lord, I gotta say My God is indeed Mighty to Save!

I wasn’t always like this. Growing up I went through what most catholic household kids would go through on Sundays, that’s right! Sunday School, however my faith wasn’t strong as a teen. Going for weekly mass does not make you a strong believer, but I believe today, those consistent mass attendance has ingrained and been part of my weekly life till to the point, I feel weird and uneasy if I were to skip mass.

Maturing on into my late teens and entering young-adulthood, the piety in me was no where to be seen. Church was just another regular affair for me, and it was no big deal. Well it wasn’t until my 22nd birthday when I realized that God had given me, probably the most important birthday gift of my life : He convinced me that I needed Him, that I should turn to Him, and that I need to be closer to Him. The timing couldn’t be any perfect as I was almost done university (I would graduate in 2 months time), and I would soon enter the real world, a world where God is almost hard to find, where human values are highly regarded and godly virtues virtually ignored.

I’m glad my God pulled me out in time. I’m glad he shook me so hard in the perfect time. He allowed me to play around enough in my university years, he allowed me to experience in some sense what the other life is like, but when the time came, He brought me back to him and for that I am most probably going to be grateful to Him for a lifetime.

As a result of my conversion and encounter with God, my life has dramatically changed. I’ve put my talents more into church activities and my cellgroup; I am in the worship ministry and I occasionally do lead worshipping for my cell group. I am soon going to be a cell-group leader and I am praying to God to prepare me for that. It’s definitely not gonna be an easy thing.

Despite getting carried away sometimes, I’m glad I have the strong presence of the Holy Spirit in me that is able to quickly bring me of my conviction and help me focus my attention on Jesus. It’s like your parking mirror or your rear mirror. You can only drive for so much distance without having to readjust it. The Holy Spirit does this for me, how nice 🙂

Faith is and will always continue to be an essential element of my life. It’s something that is much needed in my life, just like any other nessecities. You will often hear me saying from time to time that I feel so blessed and lucky to have such a God to worship and adore, and it’s true because my God is just that amazing and He is so worthy to be praised, not just because of the generous blessings he has outpoured in my life, but I’ve seen Him in action in others too and I just marvel and look in awe the way He does things. Perfect and timely.

Hebrews 11:6 says that without Faith, it’s impossible to please God. Now hopefully you’d know why faith is very important to me 🙂

For more of my works in Faith, visit Have-Faith. It’s a website I started in 2005 which houses reflections and a bunch of other cool God-related stuff.

*UPDATE* – I recently started my own Catholic blog called The Catholic Life. Its pretty much a site for me to write down stuff relating to the catholic faith.

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