Back in a hotel room

All by myself...
All by myself...

The all-too-familiar scenario of a hotel room where a king size bed, the bright yellow lights and the wooden desk fills the ambiance of the room.  As I check into my hotel room, which will be MY ROOM for the next 2 weeks, a faint thought returns to my mind…

Been there done that

My adventures as a Corporate trainer/consultant  has given me the luxury of staying in resorts and hotel. I have to admit this : I do have people who are envious of this privellage, and I don’t mean to blow my trumpet and prove a point – that is NOT my intention of this entry. 

In fact more than anything else, I feel this sense of lonliness.  Lonliness because I am all alone.  Yes this time around I do have some friends and colleagues from my training program, but it feels awwfully different. Gone were the days when as a child and a teenager I used to look forward to family trips where Dad will book a hotel room and the whole family will be together in 1 room. I miss those days.

I guess Christopher McCandles was spot on when he said the following :

“Happiness Only Real When Shared”

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