A New Year, A new Chapter


New years are a big thing for some people. It signals the end of another year and it calls to mind some time to reflect and assess one own’s self about how the year was. To some, new years’ are also a time to party, to relax and to gear up for the upcoming new year.

To me though, I started the new year with mixed feelings. Part of me – excited and eager to get on with life, to move on with new beginnings especially with my family, but another part I felt worried. Worried and anxious that the coming year will also be the same as last – the challenges, difficulties and so on.

But move on with my head held high, I must. There’s really no point in reflecting in the past to the point that it cripples you and makes you feel paralyzed. Yes, granted 2019 was a painful year, especially towards the 2nd half of 2019. But 2019 has also passed. We are now in 2020 and the show must go on; I must go on.

And so with this spirit in mind, I thought it would be great to spend some time thinking about what my new year resolutions for 2020 would be. I rarely do this but I realized that more so now that I have dependants, my actions have far more lasting consequences than before. And as such, I should take time to pen down some new year’s resolution.

  1. Be committed to daily prayer
  2. Spend more time with family and with my family’s friends
  3. Cut down on sugary stuff
  4. Exercise once a week
  5. Start saving a good decent sum of money each month
  6. Start recultivating my reading habit


For years I have always wanted to draw closer to God. I know my feeble human strength, wit and capacity are not enough for my daily demands. Time and time again I have fallen. And so, given that I will be closer to church in our new home, I should make a strong resolution to start a regular and consistent prayer routine and keep at it. I shall write more about this at a later time


Towards the late part of 2019, as things got difficult and challenging, we found great support in good friends. I reflected before how I never found friendship to be so valuable and important until we were really in the gutters. To find friends and receive that warmth of friendship was a humbling moment for me and I look to cultivate these relationships in 2020.


Never thought I would do this but I feel I need to. No more candy and sweets and stuff like that for 2020. I need to take care of my health and plus, I think its about time I start eating healthily in 2020. This is a perfect opportunity to also do this as we move to our new house – more homecooked food!


Yes, 2020 is going to be a year for health. Apart from just cutting down on sugary stuff, I feel I should also pick up exercising – by that I mean playing more sports! Once again given that our new home is near a fitness hub (now you can see why the house is so mightly important to us! – Body (exercise, home-cooked food), mind (space to think and relax) and soul (church and prayer time) are all linked to that house!) I plan to play Squash on a weekly basis with friends. It would be something wonderful to look forward to on Saturday mornings.


2019 took a toll on the family financially, but it was all necessary. From buying our car (a used second hand one) to making a much-anticipated trip to the US in June to saving up money for our home towards the end of 2019, it has been a non-stop spending exercise for the family. But as I said, they were all necessary items. And so, as agreed with the wifey, I plan to start saving some good sum of money in 2020 to replenish the family savings!


This is my final resolution – to start making time to read 1 book a month. It can be on any topic so long as I commit to finishing a book within the month. I think its high time I take this seriously and start devoting abit of time to reading. It would be good for the small fella too.

Well these are my 6 resolutions for 2020. Its definitely gonna be one helluva ride but I am sure with God’s grace we will make it through.

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By Martin


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