A new beginning


Just as nature goes through its four seasons, so do we go through our seasons in life. As the flowers and the leaves start to flood the landscape, we too have those moments in our lives. The bloomings of certain achievements we have achieved after a long horrible and cold winter.

Then in the summer, our gifts and talents are further developed, further refined and further appreciated. Like those who appreciate the beauty of nature’s gifts in the summer, we too appreciate our gifts and talents. We use them to help others grow, and in the process help ourselves become better people.

Then comes the fall, where the leaves start turning yellow. Some leaves start to fall, just as how we too become tired and weary in our daily lives. The daily toils, the mundane routine brings us down and some even chains us to the ground. As the sun becomes dimmer in the fall, so do our hearts. We become less vivacious with life and more cynical. As each leaf falls, we too slowly fall. Until all that’s left is just a bare tree.

You would think that the leaves would come back again. But then, the harsh realities of coldness and bitterness of the winter season consumes nature. Everything is barren. Hope is somewhat gone. Sun, what sun? The sun is there, but no heat can be felt. Likewise our hearts are there, but there is no life in it. The heartbeat is there, but it’s beating without purpose or meaning. Something is desperately wrong here. Will winter ever go away we wonder, as our hearts braces itself for the long cold feeling ahead.

Surprisingly, nature allows itself to be consumed by the bittnerness and the icy cool winds of the weather. Nature may not like winter at all, but nature knows its necessary, because what comes after nature, when all the ice has melted, when the dark clouds have passed away is the birth of another new beginning.

Nature allows itself to be redeemed once again. And although nature might repeat itself, for us, we have the opportunity to use that redemption for something higher, something greater ,something better. The winter seasons in our hearts allows us to become better persons than we were in the past, allowing us to grow naturally in the past, and in essence, to have a new beginning.

Its sometimes amazing to see how we are very similiar to nature. Perhaps the Divine Creater had a plan afterall.

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